Thursday, May 25, 2017

The new "3 Things" improv exercise

The new "3 Things" exercise

Here's a great exercise I got from Kathleen Armenti in a rehearsal with Squash. A great musical improv team now on Tuesday nights at the Magnet Theatre.

We all know the "10 Things" exercise where we all get into a circle, pat on our knees, and ask the person next to us, "10 Things you BLANK" and when they say each thing we yell out the corresponding numbers.

In this newer version of the exercise, Person 1 tells Person 2 "3 Things BLANK".

Person 2 then PHYSICALLY tries to communicate the three things.

Person 3 (to the right or left depending on who started) tries to interpret those things.

It essentially becomes a group mentality and fun building project.

HINT: If people intentionally make the 3 things unable to physically done, for example, "Three names for a baby". It ends up being even more fun. 

I would put this exercise in the realm of, getting teams to have fun, getting teams to feel comfortable, and getting the energy up. 

I'm usually very hesitant to bring energy down or take on something that requires critique. But, if you need a fun one, this is great!

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